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Dr. K R Balakrishnan Best Heart Transplant Surgeon in India

Free Consultation with Dr. K. R. Balakrishnan

Heart Transplant Surgery with Dr. K R Balakrishnan

40+ years of experience in the field of Cardiothoracic Surgeries & Transplants.

Has done 190+ Successful Heart Transplantation.

Having performed over 18000 cardiac surgeries, his proficiency in performing cardiothoracic and aneurysm surgeries is profound.

India’s first successful LVAD implant surgery as destination therapy, 2012

India’s first successful HVAD implant surgery, 2013

What is Heart Transplant?

Heart transplant surgery refers to the surgical removal of the diseased heart with the healthy heart. This procedure is usually performed on patients with end-stage heart failure or severe coronary artery disease when other medical or surgical treatments have failed. The term failure means the heart muscle is failing to pump blood normally because it is damaged or very weak, or both.

With the passing years, heart transplants have surely come a long way over the years. Earlier, patients were highly apprehensive about this procedure, considering the trauma involved. But today, with the advent of supremely progressive surgical instruments and equipment, patients feel extremely safe. In this matter, India has progressed in leaps and bounds. A revolutionary amount of growth has undergone specifically in the field of Cardiology.

As a matter of fact, Cardiological conditions are the leading reason behind the ever increasing mortality rate around the globe. Every year, there are millions who are being affected with different types of Cardiac disorders – irrespective of the age group they belong to. Hence, the pressure on finding more advanced treatment measures. In this kind of scenario, India’s popularity as a leading treatment venue has definitely captured the attention of such patients. The hospitals in India are paving the way in the matter of hospital infrastructure related to Cardiac cure, most modern forms of Heart surgery approaches, latest medication, after cure and much more. But the primary reason, which has drawn the attention of the patients is the presence of the enormously learned and practiced Cardiac surgeons.

Causes for Heart Failure:

Some of the causes of heart failure are as follows:

  • Myocardial infarction or heart attack
  • Viral infection of the heart muscle
  • Heart valve disease
  • Arrhythmias or irregular heart beats
  • Congenital heart defect
  • Alcoholism or drug abuse
  • Chronic lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Cardiomyopathy- enlarged heart muscles

A Pioneer of Indian Cardiac Cure

Cardiac Surgeries deal with the most crucial organ of our body – The heart and thus it is obvious that the level of proficiency and accuracy is a must to handle such surgeries. No matter how advanced the surgical equipment is but the importance of surgical hands cannot be overlooked. More specifically, the success rate of heart transplant surgery in India has increased in the past few years because of skilled cardiac surgeons in India- being an extremely intricate surgery requires extremely high depth of experience and expertise.

One of the names that has made India stand out exceptionally in the field of Cardiac Surgery, is Dr. KR Balakrishnan. He is one of the most acknowledged experts, when talking about Cardiology in India. He is credited for a record number of Heart Transplants that have been performed in India along with several other ‘firsts’ in this field. A pioneer in the field of Indian Cardiac cure, he has more than 30 years of experience and in his career span he has numerous Transplant procedures and over 16,000 Heart procedures, to his credit. He has cured patients from numerous countries like Russia, Africa, Oman, Saudi Arab, Jordan, UAE, Pakistan, USA, Bangladesh and others.

More About Dr. K.R Balakrishnan

Highly proficient in the management of End-stage Heart Failure Surgery, paediatric cardiac surgery and Lung Transplants are some of his strengths. He is one of the top heart transplant surgeon in India, Associated with the enormously reputed Fortis Malar Hospital in Chennai, he is the Director of the Department of Cardiac Sciences and Chief Cardiothoracic and Transplant Surgeon.

With more than 30 years of experience, apart from the ones mentioned above, his proficiency in treating extremely complicated Congenital Heart Disease like switches in infancy, repair of TAPVR (Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return), common AV (Atrioventricular) Canal and in the usage of homograft conduits arterial – is highly admired. He is also adept in handling other routine Cardiac procedures such as Valvular Heart surgeries that include Repair & Replacement, Aortic Root Replacement and Ross procedure. He has performed Heart Transplant procedure on patients as young as a one-year old child to patients belonging to much older generation as well.

Furthermore, Dr. Balakrishnan was instrumental behind the launch of India’s First Comprehensive Centre for Heart Failure Management at Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai. In addition to this, he is actively engaged with different institutions to boost the development of Pulsatile and continuous flow of LVADs and Molecular Biology of Ventricular Hypertrophy. He is currently working as Director of Cardiac Sciences and Chief Cardiothoracic & Transplant Surgeon at Fortis Centre for Heart Failure and Transplant, which is one of the largest corporate hospitals, having its healthcare delivery centres in India, Dubai, Sri Lanka and Mauritius.

The Evaluation Procedure by Dr. Balakrishnan

Like any other medical condition, the diagnosis of a Cardiac disorder is also utmost importance. In order to ensure the correct course of action, Dr.Balakrishnan follows a specific routine of evaluation, which includes, Coronary Angiogram(CAG), Electrocardiogram, X-rays, Blood and Urine Testing, Echocardiogram, Cardiopulmonary Stress Test, Heart Catheterization, Abdominal Ultrasound, Pulmonary Function Testing and a few others. Dr. Balakrishnan also ensures that he evaluates his patients psychologically and counsels them aptly to take away the stress.

According to Dr. Balakrishnan, these tests are extremely crucial because they help the surgeon to understand the extent of the damage as well as to find out if there is any other condition, which might hinder the success of the Heart Transplant surgery.

Heart Transplant Procedure by Dr. Balakrishnan

Dr. Balakrishnan makes sure that the Donor Heart is kept safe and in good condition. During the procedure, the patient is connected to a Heart-Lung Bypass machine so that the patient’s body keeps receiving sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients-rich blood. Then the diseased Heart is removed, except the back walls of the Atria. Then he sews the Donor Heart appropriately and the blood vessels are connected so that the blood flow is restored. As the Heart gets warm, it starts beating. Then, the surgeon very carefully checks if there are any leakages in the blood vessels and in the Heart’s chambers. Once everything is checked, the incision is closed, and the patient is taken off the Heart-Lung Bypass machine.

Dr. Balakrishnan has gathered extensive experience over the years and thus he is completely aware of the risks and complicated associated with an intricate surgery like a Heart Transplant. Most importantly, the major problem with a Transplant procedure is an infection or the body rejecting the organ. So, he is highly wary about this and prescribes apt medications and care to avoid such a situation. A process known as Myocardial Biopsy is done to find out any signs or symptoms of organ rejection. Also, the recovery period is of utmost importance, which is why Dr. Balakrishnan is extremely focused on his patients’ post-surgical progress.

Another factor that makes Dr. Balakrishnan one of the most favoured for Heart Transplant is his extensive experience in this particular surgery.

Dr. Balakrishnan’s Advice About Organ Rejection and Infection

Dr. Balakrishnan advises Heart Transplant patients to be aware about the following symptoms that may be the result if the body is rejecting the organ:

  • Recurrence of fever over 100.4°F (38°C)
  • ‘Flu-like’ symptoms that include dizziness, chills, body ache, nausea and/or vomiting, headaches
  • Chest pain or tenderness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent fatigue or in general feeling of lousiness
  • Elevated Blood Pressure

Or, there can be some warning symptoms, if there is any infection:

  • If fever stays over 100.4°F (38°C)
  • Skin rash
  • Sweats or chills
  • Pain, tenderness, swelling or redness
  • Wound or cut that is not healing
  • Redor draining sore
  • Persistent dry or moist cough for more than two days
  • Sore or scratchy throat, or pain while swallowing
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Sinus drainage, nasal congestion
  • Headaches
  • Tenderness around the cheekbones
  • White patches in the mouth or on the tongue
  • Symptoms like chills, body ache, headache, or fatigue
  • Trouble during urination – pain or burning sensation
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Blood in the urine

heart transpalentAccording to Dr. Balakrishnan, if the patients face any of these above-mentioned signs, without any delay, they should get in touch with their respective surgeons. Other than this, apart from taking lifelong medications, maximum patients can lead a very normal and productive life after a Heart Transplant.

heart transpalent surgeryThere are difference types of medications that the patients are required to take to avoid the body rejecting the organ; however, these medications can cause some side effects like excessive hair growth, High Blood Pressure, and some more. In order to combat these side effects, Dr. Balakrishnan recommends the usage of additional medications.

heart ventiliterAnother important factor is exercise, which plans a significant role in maintaining good Heart health after this surgery. Also important is to avoid weight gain to prevent any kind of pressure on the new Heart. But in this matter, guidance is very important and therefore, it is crucial that the patient starts with the exercise regime only after the surgeon has given a nod and should be done under the supervision of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist. This is because the Transplanted or the Donor Heart beats faster than the normal Heart and also it responds to exercise slowly.

post transpalentPost-transplant, what kind of diet the patient follows, is of extreme importance. As per the recommendations of the Heart surgeon, there is a certain kind of diet, not only before the surgery but after the surgery as well – a diet that is filled with healthy fats and low on sodium, is certainly good as it decreases the risk of Heart disorder, fluid retention in the body and High Blood Pressure. Dr. Balakrishnan is very particular about evaluating and then discussing the specific dietary requirements of each of his patients.

He is considered a pioneer for the exhaustive amount of research that he has been doing in the field of Cardiology, for many years. With several research hand publications to his credit, he is undeniably a blessing for this field; more specifically for Heart Transplant. Not only the affluent ones, but he extends his services for the underprivileged section of the society too. He has been a part of many Transplant procedures, which he along with his team performed free of cost.

Apart from being a Cardiac surgeon of exceptional skills, Dr. Balakrishnan, during his free time, enjoys music, as well as he can play some instruments too.


Doctors for cardiac surgery in India are skilled and has trained from the most reputed institute globally, Dr. KR Balakrishnan is known for his distinctive approach and easy protocols. Heart Transplant Surgery Cost in India is one of the many factors that patients seek his cardiac treatment.

  • India’s first successful HVAD Implant Surgery
  • Dr KR Balakrishnan has won two patents – first, for a Low Cost Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) and the second, for the development of a Flexible Magnetic Membrane
  • The first successful LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) Implant Surgery India as Destination Therapy
  • Co-invented the Dual Poppet Heart Valve with Dr. Albert Starr. It is an advanced form of Heart Valve Prosthesis
  • In 2017, he was awarded the Double Helical National Health Award, for his trailblazing kind of work in Heart Transplant Surgery in India
  • Recipient of the Hiralal Gold Medal in Surgery, which was awarded by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

Patient Success Stories

With decades of experience, he has been instrumental in enriching lives beyond the boundaries. He is the creator of countless success stories, where he has cured patients from India as well as from different corners of the globe; but has gifted them a fresh lease of life. Some of his success stories are:

Conducted back-to-back Heart Transplantation in a span of six hours: Dr. KR. Balakrishnan accomplished a major feat, when he along with his team performed two Cardiac Transplantations within six hours; wherein the Transplant coordination team covered a distance of 2650 km in total to complete this extraordinary task

Patient retrieved 45 minutes after his Heart stopped: In a path-breaking procedure in the field of Cardiac surgery, Dr. Balakrishnan performed an Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (ECPR) and revived a 38-year old patient 45 minutes after his Heart had stopped beating. The patient was suffering from Dilated Cardiomyopathy that had led to end-stage Heart Failure. Not only did he survive the surgery but later underwent a Heart Transplant on availability of a suitable donor.

Performed a Paediatric Heart Transplant: In a highly intricate procedure that lasted for about 8 hours, Dr. Balakrishnan and his team performed a Paediatric Heart Transplant on a 2-year 9 months old kid from Russia. The child was suffering from Restrictive Cardiomyopathy, because of which his Heart had lost its power to relax after each beat and therefore the pressure on his lungs was very high. The only cure was a Heart Transplant, which was performed at the Fortis Centre for Heart Failure & Transplant at Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai. Despite the criticality of the situation, Dr. Balakrishnan ensured the success of this surgery.

Free Transplant surgery for a girl from Jalgaon: A 13-year old labourer’s daughter from Jalgaon was suffering from Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Considering the difficult financial condition of the family, Dr. Balakrishnan with his team performed the Transplant surgery and the family did not have to pay for it. Because the girl was suffering was Dilated Cardiomyopathy, her Heart was enlarged and thus a 29-year old man’s Heart could fit; this man was declared dead in Nashik.

Mr. Ayman Hammond from Jordan: A 33-year old patient, who was suffering from breathing difficulties and persistent fatigue started facing associated Heart-related issues. He was put on a Pacemaker but after this there was undesirable accumulation of fluids in his stomach, for which he had to visit the hospital at regular intervals. The doctors in his country suggested a Heart Transplant for which I finalized India. With the help of his doctor, he got to know about Dr. Balakrishnan. Once the formalities and evaluation phase were over, the surgery was planned immediately. The surgery was handled by Dr. Balakrishnan and much to the relief of the patient, the surgery was successful and there were no complications or rejection.

Mr. Anwar Lafta from Iraq: With only 15 percent of his Heart’ functions working aptly, Anwar was in a very critical state when he brought to India for a Heart Transplant. He was admitted at the Fortis Malar Hospital, where Dr. Balakrishnan and his team performed a successful Heart Transplant after which there was a lot of improvement in his condition and today, he is leading a very active life.

Sitara from Chennai: A one-year old baby in Chennai was suffering from severe breathlessness and a Heart condition called Cardiomyopathy. For her, a Cardiac Transplant was the only cure left. On finding the right match, the surgery was performed by Dr. Balakrishnan and it was a huge success

Ms. Imad Halawi from UAE: She underwent a Heart Transplant that was done by Dr. Balakrishnan and she has recovered miraculously from her condition. She had a LVAD surgery done in Lebanon, but it had its own share of problems so after some time she was recommended a Heart Transplant for which she was told that Dr. Balakrishnan at Fortis Malar Hospital in Chennai, India is one of the best. Surely it proved to be a highly advantageous decision for her.

Rahul Thakur from Jalgaon, Maharashtra: Rahul is the first man from Maharashtra, when underwent a Heart and Lung Transplant. He had a hole in his Heart since childhood and over the time, this defect had altered the course of blood flow to his Heart, with extra blood flow to the right side. This added a lot of pressure on the blood vessels of his lungs and hence he suffered from severe breathlessness. As a result, his Heart’s efficiency dropped massively. Many of his body parts were swollen. He was recommended a Heart Transplant for which Fortis Malar Hospital in Chennai was chosen. Under the able guidance of Dr. Balakrishnan, the Donor Heart was harvested, and the surgery was performed successfully.

Schedule Your Heart Transplant Surgery in India with Dr. K R Balakrishnan

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