Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in India low cost with high quality Medical treatment

By | August 22, 2016


Heart is an important body organ, which certainly needs a great care and support from our body. However, with age comes problem and other issues too can wreck havoc giving you a couple of issues. One of the issues can be seen in the coronary arteries that can be blocked leading to heart failures. These can be resolved with the surgery called coronary artery bypass graft surgery. India has been doing well in terms of giving high quality healthcare services and the cardiac care is no exception. Thanks to the huge amount of money being pumped inside the domain more and more global patients are looking out for a affordable solutions end up landing to India for their cardiac care surgeries. The coronary artery bypass graft surgery cost in India is really affordable that come along with affordable cost. Now, let’s check how the high quality and affordable cost of cardiac bypass in India can help you in the following way:

Understanding Coronary Artery  Bypass Graft Surgery

CABG Surgery in India copyIf you worry about the coronary artery bypass graft surgery cost in India, you need to understand the surgery first. Well, this surgery helps in allowing the blood flow inside your heart that gets blocked with this issue. The surgery employs the healthy blood vessel that are taken from the arm, leg, abdomen or chest areas that connect to other arteries to your heart that can be bypassed over the blocked area. After the surgery, the normal blood flow is seen getting restored and this surgery is among one of the option to choose. Unlike a number of other body parts, heart also needs oxygen based blood to carry out its work. The coronary arteries move around your heart for doing the same and to the heart muscles. This surgery simply helps in removing the damage and thus gets things done with low Cost of Cardiac Bypass in India

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery – Procedure

The procedure of CABG surgery takes around six hours and starts with general anaesthesia. On an average, you can find the surgeons repairing 2-4 coronary arteries in one session, while the number of bypass required in the surgery would depend upon the kind of severity and location of the blockage of the heart. Most of the surgeries are carried out with the large size incision over the chest seeking the blood flow in order to get diverted using the heart lung machine. Your surgeon would then make a couple of incisions over the chest area along with accessing the breastbone. The rib cage is seen then spreading over the heart expose. Once the chest is opened up the heart is seen getting temporarily stopped and heart lung machine is seen taking the charge for blood circulation. Certain amount of blood vessels are being carried over the chest the blocked artery are then diverted bypassing the diseased artery. Make sure you note down that the Cost of Cardiac Bypass in India happens to be very much affordable.

Why choose Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in India?

One of the key reasons why more and more global patients are coming for cardiac care in India is the cost. Well, if you check the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Cost in India it comes to around one sixth to one eight of the total cost incurs in the US and UK. However, with the low Cost of Cardiac Bypass in India the quality never goes down. It is very much similar to the ones found in the developed nations. The doctors and hospitals dealing with cardiac care are highly competitive. The doctors are experienced and skilled, while the hospitals are high end and competitive place to render high quality healthcare services.

For More Details:

India Cardiac Surgery Consultants


