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Dr. K S Iyer Best Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeon in India

Free Consultation with Dr. K.S.Iyer

Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery with Dr. K S Iyer

Started the first dedicated pediatric cardiac program in Northern India at FEHI in 1995.

Completed 10,000 surgeries for congenital heart disease at FEHI since 1995.

Career experience of over 15,000 surgeries for congenital heart disease.

Performed the first successful rapid two stage arterial switch operation (1991) and the first successful double switch operation (1993) in the country.

First to generate internationally comparable outcomes in neonatal and infant cardiac surgery and surgery for complex congenital heart disease.

Have helped set up many pediatric cardiac programs within the country and in other countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and Nepal.

Recognized internationally for creating a model for delivery of high class pediatric care in an environment of limited resources.

What is Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery?

Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery is a field of medicine that deals with the treatment of heart diseases and lungs diseases. Since heart and lung diseases are one of the major causes of ill-health and death throughout the world, cardiothoracic surgery is one of the most challenging and demanding areas of surgery.

The main areas of cardiothoracic surgery are:

  • Adult cardiac surgery
  • General Cardiothoracic surgery
  • Congenital cardiac surgery (Pediatric Cardiac Surgery)
  • Heart and lung transplant surgery

Different Paediatric Cardiac Procedures performed by Best Cardiac Surgeons India

Pediatric Cardiac Surgeons has contributed extensively to the growth and scientific advancement of the field of surgical cardiology in India. Further, he has a highly proactive team working round the clock with him to provide nothing but the best to the patients.

Some of the most complicated cardiac procedures practiced in India are as follows:

arterial swithch procedureArterial Switch Procedure :In reversal of the great arteries, the two primary arteries going from the Heart are linked to the wrong ventricles, the two lower chambers of the heart. Owing to this, blood containing oxygen coming from the Lungs goes back into the Lungs, whereas, the blood that lacks oxygen, is sent all over the body and because of the body doesn’t get the essential nourishment. The surgery that is required is known as Arterial Switch Surgery. This is an open-heart surgery, for which the Heart is temporarily stopped, and a Heart-lung machine takes care of the respiration and blood circulation. Any unusual holes found between the Atria or Ventricles also are closed. During the surgery, the coronary arteries that supply blood to the Heart, are taken off their usual place on the Aorta and then transplanted into the new ‘Aorta, which will carry oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle throughout the body. It is very rare, that any further surgeries are needed after this.

Double Switch Operation TAPVC Repair :Dr. Iyer is the first to perform this extremely intricate procedure in India. The surgery needs high level of surgical talent. It is the Anatomic correction of congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (TGA), or the Double Switch Operation, has been implemented to treat several children, suffering from associated Cardiac problems and risk factors for systemic right ventricular function.

fontan and fontan type procedureFontan and Fontan Type Procedures :Dr. Iyer recommends this procedure for Paediatric patients with only a single functional ventricle, either because of missing a Heart valve, like in Tricuspid or Mitral Atresia),or an abnormality of the pumping capability of the Heart, like in Hypo plastic Left Heart Syndrome or Hypo plastic Right Heart Syndrome), or a complicated Congenital Heart ailment, in which a Bi-ventricular repair is not possible or not suggest able. Owing to such Heart disorders, the single ventricle is doing almost twice the probable volume of work. This is because it has to pump blood for the body and lungs. The candidates for this procedure are mostly Neonates with Cyanosis or Congestive Heart Failure. Dr. Iyer recommends this surgery to be carried out, when the patient is 2–5 years old but he has also performed this on patients below 2-years of age.

tetrology failotCorrection for Tetralogy of FallotThis procedure helps in addressing four kinds of defects, that include Ventricular Septal Defect, Overriding Aorta, Pulmonary Stenosis and Right Ventricular Hypertrophy. The infants, who are diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot, Dr. Iyer recommends immediate surgical intervention. The first step is to ensure that the kid’s oxygen levels are good enough. If not then, a prostaglandin infusion is started. But as long as the oxygen levels are good, the surgery is postponed till the kids are 6-minths old. The Corrective repair of this problem is done by closing the VSD by using a synthetic Dacron patch. By doing this, blood flow from the Left Ventricle to the Aorta, is restored to normalcy.

double outlet right ventricleDORV (Double Outlet Right Ventricle) In this Heart ailment, both the Aorta and the Pulmonary Artery are – either partly or fully – connected to same chamber of the Heart, that is the Right Ventricle. Most of the time DORV happens with other types of Heart defects. In most of the cases, Dr. Iyer fixes the usual pattern of blood flow, which is from the Left Ventricle to the Aorta and if required, he also addresses any other damage. If the DORV is a very complex one or if any of the Heart’s chambers is very small, then Dr. Iyer says that one surgery might not be enough and a serious of them might be required.

truncus arterioususTruncus : Children who are diagnosed Truncus Arteriosus may have a disproportionate amount of blood flowing to the Lungs, because of which these children can face a Congestive Heart Failure. In the surgery to repair this problem, the VSD issue is repaired and closed with a patch. The portion above the Pulmonary Artery is detached from the single common artery that is the Truncus Arteriosus. After this, a conduit or a tube and a valve are passed to link Right Ventricle to the Pulmonary Artery. Then, the single big vessel is recreated to create a new Aorta.

Know About Dr. K S Iyer Best Cardiothoracic Surgeon in India

His primary specialization and interest area is Paediatric Cardiac Care and he is looked upon an authority in this area, not just in India but all across the globe.

Dr. Iyer is a leading and a highly renowned Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeon, based out of Delhi. At present, he is associated with one of the top hospitals of India, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute (FEHI), as the Executive Director. He is undeniably one of the front-ranking Cardiac Surgeons, specialized to handle Paediatric cases. With his basic and Post-graduate education done from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), he has done his Fellowship in Neonatal Cardiac Surgery from the well-known Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. He attained this advanced training in Paediatric and infant Cardiac surgery, under the able guidance of very reputed Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon called Dr. R.B.B.Mee. During his career span of over 39 years, Dr. Iyer has operated on more than 10,000 babies, children and adults, suffering from different kinds of Congenital Heart Diseases.

In fact, throughout his academics, he has received several awards. Some of which are the Institute Gold Medal for Best Graduate of the year at MBBS examination, Pfizer Postgraduate Medical Award, Gold Medal and Scroll of Honour, Sorel Catherine Friemna Prize for proficiency in Paediatrics, Hira Lal Gold Medal for being the best Postgraduate in General Surgery. Furthermore, he was also awarded the Doppler award for the best paper at the Sixth International Symposium on Echocardiography in Cardiac Surgery, which was organized in Washington D.C. in 1994.

Post his training, he joined one of the best hospital for paediatric cardiac surgery in India the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at AIIMS and was associated as an Additional Professor. Around this time, he moved to Escorts Heart Institute to set up the Paediatric Cardiac Care Division. After this return from Melbourne, he has focused all his efforts and hard work in order to promote the specialty of Paediatric and Congenital Heart surgery in India, specifically, in the non-governmental area. Dr. Iyer set-off the very first Paediatric Cardiac Care Program in Northern India, which has been a highly pioneering initiative, at the Escorts Heart Institute Research Centre that is today known as the Fortis Escorts Heart Institute. Under his competent guidance, this Paediatric Cardiac program progressed smoothly and today, it is considered as the benchmark for Cardiac Care for children, not only from India but from her South East Asian neighbors as well.

One of the Best Surgical Cardiologist in Delhi India

Across the globe, there are countless kids who are suffering from different kinds of Congenital Heart Diseases (CHD). These are functional or structural Heart ailments, which are present at birth. According to reports, the number is continually going up and there is an extensive amount of research going on to curb this problem. Across the globe, there are several medical experts and Cardiac experts, who are putting their best foot forward in order to better the situation for these children. In this matter, India was well ahead than several other countries.

India has achieved a much acclaimed position in the matter of providing cutting-edge treatment and surgeries. In fact, India has gone past several developed countries and positioned herself as the leader of the medical tourism industry. A major credit behind this accomplishment goes to the massively competent surgeons, who have kept up very commendably with the high-pace progress of the field of medicine. Be it any field, the Indian doctors and surgeons have made their mark across the globe; to the extent that these surgeons are giving a touch competition to many surgeons of different countries. This is particularly, in the field of Cardiology. This field has undergone revolutionary amount of advancement over the years and these surgeons have kept themselves updated to the mark. One of these Cardiac surgeons, who has made India proud on several occasions, Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer.

Awards and Accomplishments

All these and enumerable such tiny hearts have been cured of different kinds of Heart issues. Dr. Iyer’s dedication and efforts in this matter are beyond excellence. Along with this, he is currently absorbed into perfecting the complicated Neonatal Cardiac Surgery, the requirements of Cardiac procedures in undernourished infants and children, rescuing the late presenters of Congenital Heart ailments, and also developing more affordable Cardiac cure and care options for children in the underprivileged nations.

  • Awarded the Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology in the world by World Congress on Clinical & Preventive Cardiology (WCCPC 2006) in September 22nd 24th, 2006, Mount Abu, Rajasthan
  • Awarded "Dynamic Indian of the Millennium" award by the KG Foundation, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in August 2009
  • Awarded Sadasivan Oration at the 58th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons held in Kolkata, Feb 2012
  • Awarded the Doppler award for best paper at the Sixth International Symposium on Echocardiography in Cardiac Surgery, held in Washington D.C.
  • Started the first dedicated Paediatric Cardiac program in Northern India at FEHI in 1995
  • Dr. Iyer is the first in India to successfully perform the Double Switch Operation in 1993
  • Also, the credit for first successful rapid Two Stage Arterial Switch operation, which was performed in 1992, goes to him
  • First in India to successfully repair Pentalogy of Cantrell in an infant in single stage
  • Have supported the initiation of several Paediatric Cardiac programs in the country and in different countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.
  • Dr. Iyer is reputed internationally for creating a model for delivery of the best standards of Paediatric care, even if there are limited resources
  • Dr. Iyer is reputed internationally for creating a model for delivery of the best standards of Paediatric care, even if there are limited resources
  • An invited international member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons

Memberships and Affiliations

The voluminous amount experience that he has is something that is considered highly remarkable in his peers from the same field. His efforts and extensive knowledge have earned him massive respect and he is a proud member of several highly recognized organizations. Some of them are:

  • Fellow and Life member of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeons
  • Founder member and President of Paediatric Cardiac Society of India
  • Founder President, Asia Pacific Paediatric Cardiac Society
  • A permanent member of the Steering Committee of the World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
  • Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Member, Editorial Board Annals of Paediatric Cardiology
  • Governing Council member of World Society of Paediatric & Congenital Heart Surgery and the Asian Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons

Along with these there are many other such organizations with which he has been associated for many years.

Patient Stories

Dr. Iyer has adopted each and every kind of Cardiac treatment and surgical technology, very capably. Not only adopted but implemented these treatment and surgical techniques in the most successful ways, taking the success rates at par with the global benchmarks. His dedication and efforts while handling the tiny hearts is beyond the expectations of the patients and their families. He has contributed to the happiness of countless families across the globe with his surgical talent. Amongst the enumerable success stories to his credit, some of them are:

Baby Israel Mutune from Kenya : This 9-month old kind baby was detected with Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). Her parents said that the sound that came from her Heart was getting more vivid with passing days. As time passed, the complications grew further, as she developed a defect called Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). When the need for a surgery became most urgent, the family was referred to Dr. K S Iyer. After thorough evaluation, Dr. Iyer performed a much complex procedure but the outcome was positive, and the baby showed quick signs of recovery. In this procedure, he mended the issue of VSD with the help of a synthetic fibre patch and stitched it over the hole. Dr. Iyer also stitched and closed a small hole amidst the upper chambers that helped in relieving most of the strain on the kid’s Heart.

18-hours old Mayank Agarwal:The youngest candidate reported till date in India, this infant had to undergo an Open Heart surgery, just after 18 hours he was born. This baby was born with a defect known as Obstructed Critical Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC). In this problem, the blood does not travel via the usual route from the Lungs to the Heart and to the rest of the body. The family was referred to Dr. Iyer, who performed an emergency procedure with a successful outcome.

Gopal Agarwal: “The joy of having a baby came in late in my family but I have almost lost it when my baby was detected with a very difficult Heart issue. On consulting Dr. Iyer, he started with the corrective measures at the earliest. He left no stone unturned in ensuring maximum surgical results. I cannot thank Dr. Iyer enough for the new lease of life that he gifted to my kid.

Baby Ammar from Iraq: After he was born, the Neonatal Intensive Care noticed a murmur in the kid’s Heart. On doing an Echocardiography, the baby was found to be suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF), in which there was four anatomical abnormalities in the Heart. Under the able care of Dr. Iyer and a successful Heart surgery performed by him, Baby Ammar started recovering well.

Maine Daniel from Kenya: He was found to be suffering from Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) because of which he had irregular heartbeats, palpitation and other symptoms. On being referred to Dr. Iyer, he was recommended an ASD Closure surgery. The surgery was done very fluently by Dr. Iyer. After which, the patient recovered very well and is hale and hearty today.

Plan Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery for your child with Dr. K S Iyer

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