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dr.ashok seth

Dr. Ashok Seth Top TAVI Surgeon in India

Free Consultation with Dr. Ashok Seth

TAVI Procedure with Dr. Ashok Seth

30+ years of Experience

Was the FIRST to perform the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Procedure. (Minimally invasive procedure that helps to repair a damaged Aortic Valve)

Successfully done 60 TAVI/ TAVR Procedure till now with success rate close to 98-99%.

Has performed over 50,000 angiograms and 20,000 angioplasties - included in the Limca Book of Records.

Honoured with the prestigious National Honour of "Padma Bhushan" and "Padma Shri" Award by the President of India in 2015 and 2003 respectively, the National Award of Republic of Spain "Officer's Cross Order of Isabella the Catholic" in 2010, 'Mason Sones Award' from SCAI (USA) in 2010 and numerous other awards.

What is TAVI Procedure?

TAVI stands for transcatheter aortic valve implantation procedure that allows an aortic valve to be implanted using a long narrow tube called a catheter. Usually, the catheter is inserted through a small incision in your chest.

To understand how the TAVI procedure works you should know what does aortic stenosis mean? It is a condition where the defect is in aortic valve that cannot open and close properly. This condition leads to an extra strain on your heart and can result in certain symptoms breathlessness, swollen ankles, chest pain, dizziness, and sometimes, blackouts. Usually for Aortic Valve Problems open heart valve surgery is performed but sometimes it’s very risky to be considered.

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is now established as the treatment of choice for patients presenting with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) who are deemed inoperable or of high surgical risk. In spite of years of experience and continuous improvements in TAVI technology, patients treated using this cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedure are at a high-risk. And hence, a number of technical considerations such as the operating environment, mode of anesthesia, and site of vascular access and limitations of current devices should be taken into account when performing TAVI to optimize both procedural and nest clinical results.

Why is this Condition so Serious?

Severe Aortic Valve Stenosis is a very hazardous Heart problem because the valve that narrows down is a highly critical part of our Heart. This is because, this valve facilitates the harmonious blood flow, which is required to be pumped from the primary chamber of the Heart to the other parts of the body. However, the problems or symptoms become significantly noticeable, when this valve gets significantly narrowed. This condition can bring a lot of stress and a raised volume of burden on the Heart’s muscle.

Also, as we age, this valve gets hardened owing to the calcium deposits that accumulate with passing time. This condition can bring symptoms that can be highly discomforting and dangerous. Signs and symptoms such as:

  • Severe discomfort in the chest region
  • Breathing difficulties or shortness of breath
  • Swelling in the leg
  • Fatigue
  • Light-headedness
  • Syncope that is passing out spells, and if ignored can prove fatal as well

Amongst the causes, the most common cause behind the occurrence of this condition is age-related calcium deposits. Other causes include, congenital disorder like Rheumatic Fever, Bicuspid Aortic Valve, or an infected Heart valve.

What Should you Expect After TAVI?

After your TAVI procedure, the new valve is positioned to push aside your damaged aortic valve and the balloon is deflated and your doctor removes the balloon catheter. Your doctor will monitor you closely and according to your response to the surgery he will suggest a duration for you to stay in the hospital under the observation of specialists. In case if you show any symptoms other than what is usually expected, you may have to stay in the hospital a little longer than generally required.

A Pioneer in India for TAVI

aortic valve Implantation taviWe are living in a highly demanding ambience, which puts an extreme amount of pressure on our psyche and physical health. With so much to go through, it is obvious that our health gets affected. Our body goes through a lot while we are trying to go through this, our body suffers a lot. Furthermore, with such a hectic routine, our food and sleeping habits go haywire. On top of all this, we hardly get time to exercise, which is a major requisite to keep ourselves fit. Because of all this, our organs are badly affected; some of which can handle the damage for a longer time, while some degenerate rapidly.

Transcatheter Aortic Heart ValveThis overall haywire routine can cause a serious amount of damage to one of the most vital organs, that is the Heart. In fact, Heart Diseases, Cardiac Diseases or Cardiovascular Diseases, as they are known popularly, are the leading reason behind the worldwide mortality and morbidity rate. Earlier, such diseases were mostly prevalent among the people belonging to the order generation. However, these days it is affecting the younger generation as well; more so because the younger generation’s lifestyle habits are not very considered to be very suitable for their Heart health.

arotic valveAs the number of such Heart patients keeps mushrooming, so does the field of Cardiology keep itself renovated accordingly. Over the years, healthcare services, infrastructure and surgical equipment associated with Cardiology has undergone radical mount of change. There are in fact exceptional surgeries that keep amazing with their surgical outcome. The Cardiac surgeries focus on making the patients as comfortable as possible. Furthermore, the rapid recovery, smaller incisions and many such advantageous factors help to take out the fear from of the minds of the patients. This is because Cardiac surgeries are generally assumed to be highly invasive in nature.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve replacementOne of these Cardiac surgeries that is considered to a miraculous one, is called TAVI (Trans catheter Aortic Valve Replacement). It is sometimes also known as Trans catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI). This procedure requires extreme level of poise and talent along with exceptional surgical skills. There are many surgeons across the globe who are highly talented to handle this very intricate surgery. India in this matter is a highly blessed destination, as there is a large pool of talent available here; be it any field of healthcare. But specifically, the field of Cardiology is one of the most matured specialties that is offered by India. Not only because the infrastructure, but the surgical hands handling are these delicate procedures undeniably some of the best in the world.

How can TAVI be helpful as a Cure?

Medical science has undeniably come a long way; more specifically, Cardiac procedures have travelled a long way towards being Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery in India. According to Dr. Seth, who could have imagined a decade ago, that a damaged Heart Valve could be replaced without cutting open the patient. Now this is possible, not only the valve is replaced this way, but also while the patient is conscious during the procedure.

Dr. Seth introduced this extremely beneficial non-surgical procedure in India, in which he makes a small incision in the groin, then a Catheter is passed via this. Then the TAVI Valve is passed through this Catheter, up the groin till it reaches the Aorta, to the Heart. Since most of the patients were not in a condition to withstand the risks associated with anesthesia, this procedure proved enormously advantageous because this could be done under local anesthesia. Also, the time taken for the completion of this surgery is not even an hour.

Dr. Ashok Seth Best TAVR Surgeon in India

India can proudly claim to be the home to several acclaimed doctors and surgeons; especially, the cardiologist for TAVI India, have positioned themselves in a highly respectable position and have made a very strong mark all over the globe. One of these names is that of Dr. Ashok Seth.

At present, he is the Chairman of Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi and Head of the Cardiology Council of Fortis Group of Hospitals. He has contributed extensively to the field of Cardiology; specifically, in the matter of Interventional Cardiology, his efforts have been recognised, not only in India, but all over the globe. With a huge bunch of degrees and qualifications acquired from some of the most recognized institutes, he is undeniably one of the most knowledgeable stalwarts that has made this field blessed with his presence.

  • MBBS from JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 1978
  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP), UK, 1984
  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP), Ireland, 1986
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), Ireland, Edinburgh, London, 1995
  • (FACC), 1995
  • Fellow of the Society of Cardiac Angiography & Intervention (FSCAI), USA, 1995
  • Doctor of Science (D. Sc) Honoris Causa, Banaras Hindu University, India, 1998
  • Fellow of the International Medical Sciences Academy (FIMSA), 1998
  • (FCSI), 2011
  • (D. Sc) Honoris Causa, Amity University, Noida (UP), India, 2012
  • Doctor of Letters (D. Litt.) Honoris Causa, Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi, India, 2012
  • Doctor of Science (D. Sc) Honoris Causa, Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India, 2012
  • FESC, 2013

His association with Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Delhi has enhanced the functioning and success rates of the Department of Cardiology here. This department handles a wide spectrum of Heart issues with the help of different forms of Cardiac surgeries – ranging from the simplest to the most advanced and intricate ones.

With more than 40 years of extensive experience, he has achieved authority over procedures like:

  • Several Angioplasty techniques
  • Angioscopy
  • Directional Atherectomy
  • Stents
  • Drug Eluting Stents
  • Thrombectomy devices
  • Use of Impella Heart support device for failing Heart
  • Bio absorbable Stents

Apart from these, one of the newest and most progressive cardiac surgeries that he is highly conversant in is TAVI. He has implemented it successfully both in India as well as in other regions in Asia Pacific.

Dr. Ashok Seth strongly believes and emphasizes Affordable Transcatheter Aortic Heart Valve in India to address a very grave Cardiac condition, which is known as Severe Aortic Valve Stenosis. In this medical condition, the Heart’s Aortic Valve narrows down.

Awards & Accomplishments

Amongst the numerous awards and accomplishments, that he is the proud recipient and achiever of, some of them are:

  • Recipient of Padma Shri by the President of India
  • Doctor of the Year Award at the Fortis Escorts
  • Padma Bhushan award by the President of India
  • The highly prestigious ‘B. C. Roy Award’ given by President Pranav Mukherjee
  • ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ for exceptional contribution in the field of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology in the World
  • Also, the National Award of Republic of Spain ‘Officer's Cross Order of Isabella the Catholic’ in 2010
  • ‘Mason Sones Award' from SCAI (USA) in 2010
  • His name is proudly mentioned in the ‘Limca Book of Records’ for performing the maximum number of Angiographies and Angioplasties
  • Achieved a world record of performing the maximum number of Cholesterol tests at Fortis, Delhi
  • Board of Governors of Society of Cardiac Angiographies and Intervention (USA)

Apart from these, he has been the President of the Cardiological Society of India and the Vice President of the Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology. He is also on the Editorial Board of JACC Cardiovascular Interventions, CCI, Euro Intervention, Indian Heart Journal and others. Further, he was elected in the Board of Trustee of SCAI (USA) during 2007-2010 and currently, he is a member of the SCAI Nominating Committee and Voting Selector of the MSCAI Nominating Committee. Additionally, he has also been invited to give lecture on and demonstrate complicated Angioplasty techniques in more than 400 international training courses as well as meetings all over the world. This includes live transmissions of intricate cases from India to the TCT and EuroPCR Meetings.

Dr. Seth’s focus is on ‘Healthy Heart – Healthy India’

According to Dr. Seth, one in twelve individuals, above the age of 40, is a patient of Coronary Heart Disease. He feels that more doctors are needed to curb this continually rising issue to reach out to more and more such patients. Cardiac surgeons in India are focused to enhance the availability of Cardiac treatment and surgery services to as many people as they can and hence total cost of aortic valve replacement in India is very cost effective. Appropriate prevention measures, meticulous diagnosis and dedicated research are some of the steps that can definitely help in controlling the prevalence of Heart ailments.

Furthermore, according to him, the prevention aspect is very critical, when it comes to Cardiac disorders. Unfortunately, people need to be more aware about this aspect, however, despite the fact these disorders are increasingly becoming rampant, and not everyone is able to access the high-priced Cardiac procedures. Dr. Seth puts in a lot of effort to work to better this scenario. In fact, he has also planned low cost TAVI IN India, so that the underprivileged patients have more chances to get cured.

Patient Success Stories

Patient from Yemen : A 74-year old patient from Yemen had her life renewed at the hands of Dr. Seth as he performed a successful TAVI procedure on her. She had been suffering from shortness of breath and other symptoms for about two years. The diagnosis showed that one of her valves had shrunk and it required an Aortic Valve Replacement, which is an Open Heart procedure. As a result of the obvious worries associated with an Open Heart surgery, her family looked for other suitable options and came across TAVI. They were referred to Dr. Seth in India and she underwent a successful procedure. Just seven days after the surgery, she was fit enough to travel back to her country.

79-year old Indian Patient : A very high-risk patient, who underwent this procedure successfully, under the able supervision of Dr. Seth. The patient had many complications including bad Lungs, enlarged Thyroid, severe Tracheal congestions and other issues. The patient would have needed ventilator support, if performed in a more invasive way. So, TAVI proved a much better and suitable treatment technique

76-year old Prof. Dr. Pandey from Uttarakhand: Although the patient arrived in a very critical condition, and considering his age, Dr. Seth very fluently performed TAVI procedure, that to in under 45 minutes. Also, the recovery was very rapid, and the patient was discharged in five days.

Mr. Vijay Pal Jain: His family was extremely worried when he was informed about the requirement of a Valve Replacement. Considering his age, it was a big worry but thanks to Dr. Seth and his team, who performed TAVI surgery, at the same time avoiding the complications of the more invasive forms of Heart surgeries. Post-surgery, not only, he felt younger by many years but also, he could get back to his routine very quickly.

Mrs. Krishna Sharma: 74-year old, she was suffering from Severe Aortic Stenosis for quite some time and the symptoms were burdening her badly. On consulting Dr. Seth, there was a ray of hope because of TAVI. Despite her health condition, Dr. Seth was confident that this procedure would work for her and sure it did. She underwent this surgery and recovered fully in a few weeks.

R. K Pachauri: This patient was suffering from Aortic Stenosis for quite some time and Dr. Seth has been monitoring my condition regularly. The symptoms were putting a lot of pressure on my health and hence Dr. Seth suggested a TAVI at the earliest. Only three days after the procedure, the patient was discharged, which would not have been possible in case of an invasive Heart surgery. Dr. Seth supervised the whole recovery period and very soon the patient was back to his routine and earlier stamina level too was restored.

Like these, Dr. Seth has handled numerous such high-risk patients and cured them by successfully implementing TAVI. Despite the fact that these patients had very challenging kinds of Heart issues, but Dr. Seth ensured that they were completely cured. These and numerous other patients have been successfully taken care of by this enormously talented Cardiac surgeon. He also is blessed with an extremely efficient team and very meticulously supervises how his team functions. According to his staff members, Dr. Seth surely knows how to keep them on their toes by throwing challenges.

Schedule Your Minimally Invasive TAVI Procedure in India with Dr. Ashok Seth

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