Category Archives: Surgery

Coronary Angiography Center in India Options

Angiography-Overview Coronary angiography test is a medical imaging technique here an X-ray image is taken to visualize the inside of the blood vessels and the organs of the body. Egas Moniz, a Portuguese physician, neurologist and a Nobel Prize laureate have developed a technique of contrasted X-ray cerebral angiography for diagnosing the nervous disease such… Read More »

Why Off-Pump Heart Surgery is more famous amongst United States, Canada & Australian patient?

Off-Pump Heart Surgery Overviews Beating heart surgery is what the off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery is also called. This CABG surgery I performed without the utilization of the cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, which is basically a heart-lung machine. Initially the surgery is introduced by the world renowned cardiac surgery Dr. Atsushi Amano. The introduction of this… Read More »